If your child is in Kindergarten, 1st grade, or 5th grade, he/she will receive an iPad the first week of school. The iPad will come home with your child daily. Each grade level will follow the iPad refresh schedule listed below: 
    • Kindergarten Students: Your kindergartner will turn this iPad in at the end of their Kindergarten school year.  
    • 1st Grade Students: Your 1st grader will keep the iPad distributed to them this year through the end of their fourth grade year. At the start of the fifth grade, your child will be assigned a new iPad.
    • 5th Grade Students: When your fifth grader reports to the first day of school, he/she will need to have his/her iPad to turn in and receive the new iPad. (The charging brick and cable do not need to be turned in). Upon collection, the returned iPad will be examined for possible damage. If the iPad is damaged, you will be notified after the collection process and an insurance claim may be filed depending on the damage. The new iPad will remain with your fifth grader until the end of eighth grade.
    Below is important information relating to paperwork: and insurance that require your attention prior to your student receiving their iPad for the school year
    If you have questions about the distribution of your student's iPad, please contact your building principal or Technology Services servicedesk@northallegheny.org

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