The NASD Science Department recognizes the importance of ensuring that our graduates are scientifically literate citizens, both to benefit the individual and society as a whole. The pace of scientific advancement has become more and more rapid over the past few decades. By giving students the tools to think as scientists, they will have the opportunity to keep up with these advancements, to solve problems, and most importantly, to appreciate the world around them.
By integrating scientific, technological, ecological, and environmental topics into all courses, students will see that all branches of science are connected in ways that let them apply their knowledge to their areas of interest. Understanding real world applications of their learning will bring their lives and the classroom experience together.
True scientific learning does not happen in a textbook and cannot be measured on a test. Hands-on, exploration-based activities give students the chance to experience wonder, ask questions, and develop their own knowledge base. More importantly, having these experiences will help students to be more excited about learning science, encourage them to seek further information, and prepare students to be a meaningful part of our ever-changing world.