Important Notice Regarding Special Education, Gifted Education and/or Service Agreement Records

    The North Allegheny School District (NASD) is alerting all alumni that after a period of at least six years, Special Education, Gifted Education, and/or Service Agreement Records are no longer needed for the provision of a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).

    NASD alumni who graduated in the year 2018 are advised that their records are scheduled to be destroyed on June 30, 2024. Anyone who wishes to review their records prior to destruction should contact the Gifted and Special Education Office at 412-635-4109.

    Please note that this alert only pertains to alumni who received services through Special Education, Gifted Education, and/or a Service Agreement while attending the NASD. Further, only the Special Education, Gifted Education, and/or Service Agreement portion of the Student Records will be destroyed. The remainder of the student record will not be affected.

    Requests for Special and/or Gifted Education Records of students who graduated in 2018 will not be possible after June 30, 2024.

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