The North Allegheny School District was one of the first districts in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to implement a program to address the issue of student substance abuse. In November of 1983, the District Superintendent established the North Allegheny Substance Abuse Committee. The broad-based committee consisted of school personnel and members from every facet of the community. The committee developed a series of recommendations for the district. One of the first recommendations was for a revision of school board policy, which occurred July 25, 1984. In the fall of 1984, twenty-five secondary staff members participated in an intensive week of training by St. Francis Medical Center. Two full-time coordinators were hired and Student Assistance Teams were established at both the Intermediate and Senior High Schools.

    The Student Assistance Program at North Allegheny School District has evolved over the years from a singular focus of substance abuse to a proactive, comprehensive program that supports students whose learning is compromised due to a number of child and adolescent issues, including mental health problems, grief and loss, bullying and others life circumstances that pose as barriers to students' learning. The school district has made prevention an essential component of services offered through the Student Assistance Program at all levels.

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