Evaluator Statements for the 2023-24 school year are due by June 30, 2024.

    Affidavits to continue homeschooling for the 2024-25 school year are due by August 1, 2024

    All paperwork should be delivered in person, mailed or emailed to:

    North Allegheny School District
    HOME EDUCATION—Central Admin
    200 Hillvue Lane
    Pittsburgh, PA 15237


    Central Administrative Offices are open from 7:30 AM-3:30 PM, Monday through Friday


    The North Allegheny School District recognizes the legal rights of parents and guardians to educate their child(ren) in their home, pursuant to the provisions of the Pennsylvania Act 169 of 1988, and in accordance with Sections 1327 and 1327.1 of the Pennsylvania School Code. The North Allegheny School District requires parents and guardians who elect this option for educating their child(ren) to adhere to all of the legal requirements as defined in Section 1327.1 of the Pennsylvania School Code. Accordingly, the North Allegheny School District will fulfill its legal obligation to review the annual evaluation, provided by the qualified evaluator of a home education program, of any student who is home educated (between the ages of 6 and 17) and upon request of the home school supervisor, loan copies of all planned courses, textbooks, and curriculum materials appropriate to each student's age and grade level.

    The Pennsylvania School Code, 24 P.S. §13-1327.1(e)(1) also states, “that the portfolio for home education students in grades 3, 5 and 8 must include the results of the statewide tests for reading/language arts and mathematics or nationally normed standardized achievements tests. If the supervisor of the home education program requests that the student(s) take the PSSA, Keystone Exams, or the ITBS assessments, the school district must allow the student to take the test at the school building the home education student would normally attend or other accommodations agreed to by the school district and the parent.” The Department has approved the following nationally normed standardized tests for use by home education programs if they choose not to take the statewide test:

    1. California Achievement Test
    2. Comprehensive Testing Program (CTPIV)
    3. Iowa Test of Basic Skills
    4. Metropolitan Achievement Test
    5. Peabody Achievement Individual Test – Revised Version
    6. Stanford Achievement Test
    7. Terra Nova
    8. Woodcock-Johnson Revised Tests of Achievement II
    9. Woodcock-Johnson IV
    10. Weschler Individual Achievement Test III (WIAT-III)


    The following additional tests were accepted until June 30, 2009:

    1. Comprehensive Testing Program (CTPII)
    2. Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills
    3. Peabody Individual Test
    4. Wide Range Achievement Test
    5. Woodcock Johnson Revised Tests of Achievement


    Mary Folmer, Administrative Assistant
    Fax: 412-369-5895


    Immunization Information:

    The Pennsylvania Department of Health requires school districts to report immunization compliance for all home-educated students. To comply, beginning with the 2024-25 school year, North Allegheny School District will now ask parents/guardians to submit one of the following when submitting the yearly Homeschool Affidavit and Educational Objectives

    • Current immunization records from the student’s Primary Care Provider    

    • A signed Immunization Exemption Letter stating religious or moral exemption, or  

    • A signed letter of Medical Exemption from the student’s physician   

    We greatly appreciate your cooperation in complying with these requirements.

    The Pennsylvania Department of Education provides technical assistance and information to school districts and parents/guardians regarding home education. Each district has a home school contact who works with families regarding home education programs. Many independent organizations also provide resources and support for home educators. A list of resources is provided below.


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