Homebound Instruction shall be defined as a temporary excusal from compulsory attendance, for a period not to exceed three months, upon receipt of satisfactory evidence of physical, mental, or other urgent reasons. The term "urgent reasons" shall be strictly construed and does not permit irregular attendance. When a student receives homebound instruction, the student may be counted for attendance purposes as if in school.

    A parent/guardian must make a request for homebound instruction to the student's school counselor and the request must be supported by an attending physician's statement. The school counselor will contact the Student Services Department to obtain the District's Physician's Statement form or provide the Student Services Department with the doctor's name and fax number and the form will be faxed to the attending physician. The attending physician must complete the form, indicating the nature of the illness or medical condition, the length of time the student will require homebound instruction, and fax the form back to the Student Services Department.

    Once the Physician's Statement is returned to the Student Services Department, it will be reviewed by the Director of Student Services. If approved, the school counselor will be notified immediately that homebound instructors may be obtained. It is the school counselor's responsibility to ensure that the homebound instructor is provided all instructional information regarding the student, all relevant materials and textbooks, tests, etc., and grading criteria. It is the responsibility of the homebound instructor to make arrangements with the parent/guardian of the homebound student to provide instruction. In general, the maximum time allotted for homebound instruction is five hours per week.

    If a homebound instruction request is for a student with a disability, and the temporary condition results in a change in the student's need for specially designed instruction, the Coordinator of Special Education will contact the student's case manager and building principal to reconvene the IEP Team. The IEP Team will determine whether it is necessary to revise the IEP and change the student's placement to Instruction Conducted in the Home.

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