SchoolMessenger is a web-based automated system and is one of the North Allegheny School District’s communication vehicles for the delivery of information to parents/guardians and staff via phone, email, and/or text. Messages may include attendance notifications, school delays or cancellations, information about a serious health-related issue, or a crisis response update.

    Click here for instructions on how to create your account and set your preferences.


    SchoolMessenger and PowerSchool SIS sync on a daily basis. This means that if you change a contact phone number or email address in PowerSchool, SchoolMessenger will be updated automatically with that new information the following day.

    All parent/guardian phone numbers and email addresses are imported into SchoolMessenger from PowerSchool SIS. SchoolMessenger imports the cell, home, and work phone numbers, as well as the email, provided in PowerSchool for contacts.

    Please note that within SchoolMessenger you are not be able to edit the information that is imported from PowerSchool SIS. You can, however, control your preferences for each of those numbers and email addresses imported from PowerSchool. For example, if you don’t want a call to your home phone at 5:30 AM regarding a snow delay and would prefer a text message instead, you can make that change!

    If you wish to add additional phone numbers into SchoolMessenger that are not listed in PowerSchool, or opt-in for text messages and emails, you will need to create a SchoolMessenger account. Your SchoolMessenger account allows you to set your communication preferences for calls, emails, and texts. You are also able to add additional phone numbers and email addresses. If you don’t create an account, you’ll still get calls from SchoolMessenger on the numbers imported by PowerSchool.

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