The Traveling Art Gallery (T.A.G.) is an art appreciation and visual program unique to North Allegheny School District. Volunteers present a different print by a famous artist to kindergarten through fifth grade classrooms on a rotating monthly basis. 

    For more information about the T.A.G. Program, check out the: 

    NA Traveling Art Gallery - DIGITAL VOLUNTEER FOLDER

    You can also contact:

    Andrea Jaecks
    T.A.G. Program Coordinator
    Marshall Elementary School
  • Why T.A.G.?

  • How is the art selected?

  • How is T.A.G. funded?

  • How does T.A.G. work?

  • How is T.A.G. organized in individual buildings?

  • What are the responsibilities of the parent volunteer coordinators?

  • What are the responsibilities of classroom volunteers?

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