The Program of Studies is a comprehensive document outlining the course offerings, course sequence, and related requirements for high school students. Minimally, high school students at North Allegheny must meet the graduation requirements outlined in Board Policy #217. Students are required to schedule at least seven (7.0) credits per year in grades 9–12.
Students have certain subject area requirements each year that must be completed. The remaining credits are scheduled as elective courses according to the interests of the student and availability of that elective course. All courses are organized by Department and by grade level. If courses are required within a Department at a particular level, it is delineated in the Program of Studies. Please note that certain elective courses are only available in specific grade levels. For example, a sophomore may not take an elective course available in grade 11 or 12 at NASH. While the District will provide the next sequential course in limited subject areas (i.e., Mathematics, Science, and World Languages), students will only receive one course in that area. Any additional courses in that subject area are considered as electives.

Links to Prior Program of Studies