Dear North Allegheny Families,

    North Allegheny offers several opportunities to join key committees that help provide valuable feedback to the District. Anyone interested in participating in a committee must fill out an application in the spring. 

    A list of committees is below. 

    • Superintendent/Parents Liaison Committee (SPLC)
    • Secondary Advisory Committee (SAC)
    • Elementary Advisory Committee (EAC)
    • Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC)
    • Technology Advisory Committee (TAC)
    • Health and Wellness Committee
    • Dining Advisory Committee
    • Student Services Advisory
    • NA Empower Community Committee
    • NA Ambassadors 

    North Allegheny serves approximately 8,500 students and our goal is to ensure all of the families are represented on these committees. The application process has closed for this school year.  

    The following guidelines are in place for participating in a parent engagement committee.

    • All appointed members shall serve a term of one year and attend every meeting.  
    • As of August 2022, all schools will have a PTA, PFA, or PTO K-12. For each school, at least one committee member must be an active member of the PTO, PFA, or PTA for SPLC, SAC and EAC Committees.  
    • Committee members can only serve on one of the District committees at a time.  
    • Committee member names will be published on the District website with contact information.
    • Each committee member shall:
      • Keep confidential matters confidential.  
      • Represent their school community.
      • Listen and be open-minded. We shall agree to disagree about issues and not to be disagreeable after discussions.
      • Discuss things as a group with common goals, not as a group of individuals.
      • Agree to be a problem solver and work as a team.   

    If you have any questions or issues with the sign-up link, please contact the Communications Department at CommunicationsDept@northallegheny.org

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