The mission of the North Allegheny Library program is to empower students to become effective users of ideas and information in all formats in a constantly changing learning environment. The library program increases the access to global information sources and the use of technologies as effective learning and teaching tools. In addition, the library program is focused on supporting the development of student literacy by connecting students with good literature and positive reading experiences. The comprehensive end goal is to support the creation of students who are life-long readers and learners.

    At the elementary level, students K-5 have a regularly scheduled 45-minute weekly class (30 minutes for kindergarten). Classes in grades 1-5 receive a report card grade at the end of each semester. Additional collaborative library lessons delivered in conjunction with classroom teachers are encouraged whenever possible because of the application of information and technology skills in all areas of study. Book exchanges, story times, discussion groups, reading incentive programs, author visits, and other reading activities support the development of student literacy.



    Students will receive 30 minutes of instruction from the librarian each week, alternating between library skills and computer skills.

    • Literacy: Students will learn how to use the library and expected library behaviors, general book care and how to select appropriate books of interest. Special focus will be placed on Nursery Rhymes and Book Characters. Students will also begin to distinguish between fiction and non-fiction.
    • Technology: Students will learn to identify the parts and functions of the computer and expected behaviors in the Computer Lab. They will also learn to log on to the district network, access appropriate educational resources, including educational websites and network software.



    Students will receive 45 minutes of instruction from the librarian each week, alternating between library skills and computer skills.

    • Literacy: Students will learn library organization and general book location. They will also learn to identify the author and illustrator, will be introduced to award winning books, and independently identify fiction and non-fiction books. Students will participate in read-alouds by identifying characters and predicting outcomes.
    • Research: Students will be introduced to basic research skills using non-fiction books focusing on the table of contents and index. Students will also learn to extract specific facts from online databases.
    • Technology: Students will review the skills learned in Kindergarten, and further develop knowledge of website navigation, research databases and other age appropriate technology. They will access and create a Word document, and other computer generated products. Students will also be introduced to Internet Safety concepts.



    Students will receive 45 minutes of instruction from the librarian each week, alternating between library skills and computer skills.

    • Literacy: Students will expand their knowledge of library organization through the Dewey Decimal System. Students will review and expand their knowledge of title, author, publisher, copyright and table of contents. They will be introduced to the Literary Elements of genre, plot, character, time and place. Students will develop an understanding of multiculturalism through fables, folklore and fairy tales.
    • Research: Students will continue to develop research skills. They will produce a research project using print and non-print sources.
    • Technology: Students will review the skills learned in First Grade, and further develop knowledge of website navigation, research databases and other age appropriate technology. Students will expand their knowledge of word processing features. Students will expand on further aspects of Internet Safety.



    Students will receive 45 minutes of instruction from the librarian each week, alternating between library skills and computer skills.

    • Literacy: Students will review and expand their knowledge of title, author, publisher, copyright, table of contents, index and glossary. Students will focus on the specific genres of mystery, biography and poetry.
    • Research: Students will be introduced to the Automated Library Catalog. Using results from searching the Automated Library Catalog, students will learn to use call numbers to locate materials in the library. Students will continue to refine research skills using print and non-print materials. Students will learn basic note-taking skills using text highlighting and graphic organizers.
    • Technology: Students will review the skills learned in Second Grade, and further develop knowledge of website navigation, research databases and other age appropriate technology. Students will expand their knowledge of word processing features, including editing tools, formatting and image manipulation. Students will be introduced to a variety of presentation software and techniques. Students will expand on further aspects of Internet Safety.



    Students will receive 45 minutes of instruction from the librarian each week, alternating between library skills and computer skills.

    • Literacy: Students will be introduced to the literary element of Theme. Students will focus on the specific genres of science fiction, historical fiction and fantasy. Students will be exposed to award-winning literature.
    • Research: Students will learn to identify appropriate print and non-print sources for research. Within those sources, students will learn to identify relevant information on a given research topic. Students will be expected to use multiple resources for their research. Students will learn basic citation skills. Using results from searching the Automated Library Catalog, students will continue to use call numbers to locate materials in the library.
    • Technology: Students will review the skills learned in Third Grade, and further develop knowledge of website navigation, research databases and other age appropriate technology. Students will create projects using desktop publishing and presentation software. Students will expand on further aspects of Internet Safety including Information Security.



    Students will receive 45 minutes of instruction from the librarian each week, alternating between library skills and computer skills.

    • Literacy: Students will review the literary elements and genres learned in previous grade levels. Students will continue to be exposed to award-winning literature.
    • Research: Using results from searching the Automated Library Catalog, students will continue to use call numbers to locate materials in the library. Students will learn to identify and evaluate appropriate print and non-print sources for research. Within those sources, students will learn to identify relevant information on a given research topic.
    • Technology: Students will review the skills learned in Fourth Grade, and further develop knowledge of website navigation, research databases and other age appropriate technology. Students will create projects using desktop publishing, presentation software and other multimedia tools. In addition, students will be exposed to collaborative production tools utilizing age appropriate technology. Students will expand on further aspects of Internet Safety including Information Security.



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