
    Click here to send a note to a teacher or staff member to show your appreciation for all that they do! Donations benefit the NA Foundation and our work to enhance & enrich the educational experience at North Allegheny. For $50 donations received between April 29 and May 17, $10 of your donation will go directly to the school of your selected teacher or staff member.

    Honor Someone Special

    Your gift can do more than support the students of North Allegheny. The Honor Someone Special Program is the perfect way to give a meaningful gift in the name of a teacher, administrator, employee, or school board member in the North Allegheny School District.

    Each $50 donation to Honor Someone Special will provide a lasting record of your gift on the NA Foundation Honor Someone Special Wall at the Central Administration Office building. An engraved bar is displayed to document each honoree and the year of the donation. Your honoree will also receive a certificate of record as a keepsake to remind them of your thoughtfulness and a small gift from the NA Foundation.

    There are many occasions when a special thank you, a fond remembrance, or warm congratulations can be conveyed with grace and style through a donation to the Honor Someone Special Program.

    • You may want to thank an exceptional teacher or administrator who has meant something special to your child.
    • You feel the work of a particular teacher, administrator, or employee deserves lasting recognition.
    • You would like to honor a cherished teacher, administrator, or staff member who is retiring or relocating.
    • You are looking for a meaningful gift for an NA employee for a holiday or end-of-the-year acknowledgment.
    • You would like to pay tribute to an esteemed employee or retiree who has died by establishing memorial recognition.

    Each tax-deductible gift of $50 or more to the North Allegheny Foundation will permanently commemorate the accomplishments of an important individual you and/or your family wish to recognize. Your contributions will help to enhance and enrich the educational experience at North Allegheny.

    The official registration and financial information of The North Allegheny Foundation may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, at 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.

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