The Board recognizes that although the primary purpose of the school buildings, facilities, and property is to provide students with an appropriate learning environment, the Board may make school facilities available for community purposes without discrimination and in accordance with this policy, provided the use does not interfere with the educational or extracurricular programming of the schools.

    Care, use, and maintenance of School District buildings shall be regarded as items of prime importance, and their use for activities connected with the school program shall be given primary consideration at all times.


    1. Premises of the North Allegheny School District shall be open to use by organized groups only upon approval and issuance of a permit by the building principal, Director of Facilities, and/or the Athletic Director.
    2. The North Allegheny School District shall establish a Fee Schedule for building rental for the various facilities that are available in the District. The rates shall be reviewed, adjusted, and approved on a yearly basis.
    3. The North Allegheny School District may approve a request for a Fee Waiver by a group that is in compliance with the requirements for Fee Waivers. All Fee Waivers shall be subject to review and re-approval by the School Board every five years.
    4. At all times, when school facilities are being used by community groups, there shall be present a qualified member of the custodial staff whose duties shall include responsibility for the District’s interests during the occasion.



    To start the process of renting a NASD facility, please contact:

    Norma Burzynski
    Phone: 412-369-5404
    Fax: 412-369-5553
    Email: nburzynski@northallegheny.org

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