The elementary program at North Allegheny strives for a healthy, heterogeneous student enrollment in each classroom. A process is in place where teachers confer by grade level and make recommendations that will result in well-balanced classroom settings. These settings include students with a wide range of academic levels, behavior characteristics, and learning styles. Teaching styles are also taken into consideration when completing homeroom assignments.

    There are critical criteria used in the determination of class assignments. These include:

    • Heterogeneous groupings
    • Gender balance
    • Balance of special needs
    • Peer interactions 
    • Special services
    • Learning environment
    • Health or medical conditions
    • Equitable distribution of students

    Each of these plays a role in the final decision for classroom assignments. Parent/guardian input is shared throughout the school year and addresses: 

    • Peer interaction
    • Learning environment
    • Health or medical conditions

    Some of the settings in which this information is shared include conferences, ESAP meetings, and contacts made during the school year. All the information you provide is taken into consideration as we follow the assignment process. Grade-level teams, counselors, special area teams, reading specialists, and administrators are all involved in this process. 

    While parent/guardian input is welcomed, individual teacher requests will not be granted. Assigning students is a complex educational issue that is taken seriously at North Allegheny. The District has developed procedures to best match students with classroom settings and teachers. You may wish to share information by sending a letter to your building administrator. This is another means of delivering your input. In order for us to begin the scheduling process, this information needs to be obtained no later than Friday, March 31, 2023 and provided to your student's principal.

    The teaching staff at North Allegheny is outstanding! We believe we will be able to meet the needs of all students with our high-quality staff. As a school community, we see our priority as providing the best educational experience possible to your student. 

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