Chemistry acceleration is intended for students who wish to complete their Honors Chemistry course in the summer (following their 9th grade year). Students must meet all pre-requisites for Honors Chemistry to be eligible to accelerate. Successful completion will make sophomores eligible for the one (and only one) next science course of their choice as a sophomore, as long as they meet all other pre-requisites.
The approved CCAC Courses are CHEM109 or CHEM151 (each is 4 credits). Students need to consult the CCAC program of studies and syllabi for each course to determine which is a better fit for their own individual needs or which they would be allowed to enroll in. Please note that CCAC may not allow students to enroll in certain courses based on their pre-requisites or other requirements. Hybrid courses may include no more than 50% online instruction. Fully online courses are not permitted for the purposes of acceleration.