• GRADE 6

    Business Computers and Information Technology (BCIT) 6

    The nine-week course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to attain skills in developing touch keyboarding of the alphabetic keyboard. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to perform the following objectives independently:

    • The student will be able to use proper techniques when keyboarding (e.g. posture, touch method, finger position, hand-arm position).

    • The student will be able to show improvement in accuracy and speed.

    Keyboarding is a skill learned through appropriate and purposeful practice. The teacher will be active in observing and evaluating the process of learning and will provide feedback in the form of corrections (comments and demonstrations) to help the learner improve. The instructional program (EduTyping) is used extensively. 

    Digital Literacy is also a part of the BCIT curriculum. The platform (Everfi - Digital Wellness & Safety) covers numerous topics including: understanding online image; managing online relationships; understanding digital footprint; managing personal information; understanding the benefits and risks of online and offline time; recognizing digital dependency and when to take action; protecting digital data; recognizing digital threats; understanding digital rights, restrictions, and responsibilities; and knowing how to evaluate online content.

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