Grade |
Regular |
Honors |
7 |
Exploratory |
Exploratory |
8 |
Level I |
Level I |
9 |
Level II |
Honors Level II |
10 |
Level III |
Honors Level III |
11 |
Level IV |
Honors Level IV |
12 |
Honors Level V |
Advanced Placement |
The Honors Level 5 Course is offered as the culminating course for the regular tier Level 4 student. Students will schedule for the Honors Level 5 Course.
Exploratory World Language is a semester-long course in seventh grade. Students explore French, German, Latin, and Spanish. The content focuses on greetings, everyday expressions, numbers, calendar terms, geography, and culture. An important outcome of the Exploratory Program is the opportunity it gives students to make informed choices regarding which language they would like to study the following year and for years to come.
LEVEL I 8th Grade
Classes meet every day for a full year. Students will learn to understand, speak, read and write through the use of authentic and textbook materials.
Review the Program of Studies to see the world language offerings at the high school level.
World Language Honors Track
Acceleration Process