The sixth grade Technology and Engineering class is a nine-week course which provides students opportunities to use tools and machines to create a product.  Students will also apply the design process to creatively solve problems through the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Design and Modeling curriculum. Students are introduced to the unit problem in the first activity and are asked to make connections relating to the design process throughout the lessons in the unit. Students learn and utilize methods for communicating design ideas through sketches, solid models, and mathematical models. Students will understand how models can be simulated to represent an authentic situation and generate data for further analysis and observations. Students work in teams to identify design requirements, research the topic, and engage stakeholders. Teams design a toy or game for entertainment, fabricate and test it, and make the necessary modifications to optimize the design solution.  


    The seventh grade Technology and Engineering class is a six-week course designed to teach students problem solving and the engineering design process by engaging in various activities dealing with flight and aerodynamics.  These activities can include, but are not limited to, designing and developing wooden air cars, constructing foam gliders, straw rockets, hot air balloons and/or kites.  In addition, the Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Flight and Space curriculum is utilized to discover aspects of flight like Newton’s Laws of Motion, forces of flight and how aircraft maneuver.  The curriculum will reinforce why the design process is important and engage students in hands-on experiences.


    The eighth grade Technology and Engineering class is a twelve week course in which students study areas of STEM including, but not limited to, Robotics, Electronics, Computer Integrated Design, Game Development, and Advanced Manufacturing. Projects and problem solving methods will be a focus with the continued study of engineering, design, modeling, coding, and troubleshooting.  Students will use VEXCode IQ to program robots through various challenges addressing sensor feedback and behaviors. This course will also be enhanced with the newest technologies including 3D printers, laser engravers and CNC routers, along with traditional tools and machines exposing students to a well-rounded experience.  An emphasis is also placed on safety, quality control, processes, evaluation of feedback, and recognition of technological problems to develop solutions.

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