The career center offers 20 programs to provide students an educational experience to be college and career-ready after high school graduation. The programs fulfill elective credit requirements for 10th, 11th and 12th grade students. Seniors who attend A.W. Beattie may take the NOCTI exam, which awards industry certifications and college credits based on test results.

    Students attending Beattie are enrolled in the afternoon session and spend the remaining half-day at NAI or NASH. Students can obtain up to three elective credits per year by completing vocational coursework. Beattie credits and grades are included in the QPA and class rank.

    Some Beattie programs require uniforms and equipment. The student and parents assume this cost. Therefore, students should obtain accurate cost information before enrolling for a course. Transportation is provided by the School District.

    Applications to attend A.W. Beattie Career Center should be made during the second semester of 9th or 10th grade and will be carefully reviewed for selection. Further information concerning the Beattie program is available in the School Counseling Office.

    A.W. Beattie Career Center website

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