- North Allegheny School District
- Contact the School Board
Ahlam Weidman
School Board Secretary
Phone: 412-369-5419
Email: aweidman@northallegheny.orgCONTACTING THE SCHOOL BOARD
Please email school board secretary Ahlam Weidman at aweidman@northallegheny.org and she will forward your email to Board members.
Please call the school board secretary, Ahlam Weidman, at 412-369-5419.
Address correspondence as follows:
Board of School Directors
North Allegheny School District
200 Hillvue Lane
Pittsburgh, PA 15237The secretary will see that all Board members receive a copy of your letter.
- At the end of every Work Session, after Board reports have been presented and after the Board folder has been reviewed, community residents will be given an opportunity to speak for up to 5 minutes (for those who register in advance) or for up to 2 minutes (those who register in advance get to speak first; then all others).
- To register to speak for 5 minutes, please email the Board secretary at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting at aweidman@northallegheny.org. It will be necessary to give a topic and you must be a resident of the District. Speakers will be taken in the order that they called. When called upon to speak, the individual will be asked to give his/her name and home address.
- To register to speak for 2 minutes, please email the Board secretary at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting at aweidman@northallegheny.org. It will be necessary to give a topic and you must be a resident of the District. Speakers will be taken in the order that they called. When called upon to speak, the individual will be asked to give his/her name and home address.
- After everyone who registered in advance has spoken, the floor is open to any resident of the District who wishes to speak for up to 2 minutes.
Residents of the District have two opportunities to speak at a Regular Meeting:
- Prior to a Board vote, the President will ask for public input on agenda items that will be voted on by the Board. To reserve time in advance (either 5 minutes or 2 minutes), speakers should follow the same procedure as stated above for Work Sessions. Names will be called in the order that requests are received.
- The second opportunity to speak is at the end of the meeting. Residents are invited to speak on any topic of interest to the District. To reserve time in advance (either 5 minutes or 2 minutes), speakers should follow the same procedure as stated above for Work Sessions Names will be called in the order that requests are received.
- When a speaker completes their comments, the next speaker's name will be called to speak.
- Each speaker will be timed. A visual timer will be placed on the screens in the Board room. When there is 30 seconds remaining to speak for each speaker, Ms. Weidman will announce thirty seconds remaining. When the time is up, the speaker should return to their seat.
Communication with the School Board is very important. The Board encourages you to attend meetings and be informed. Please do not hesitate to contact us with your ideas and suggestions.
- At the end of every Work Session, after Board reports have been presented and after the Board folder has been reviewed, community residents will be given an opportunity to speak for up to 5 minutes (for those who register in advance) or for up to 2 minutes (those who register in advance get to speak first; then all others).