- McKnight Elementary
- Accessing eBooks
- Destiny Discover
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Accessing eBooks in Destiny Discover
You can use either your District-issued iPad or a non-district device to read all of our ebooks at home!
- You will first need to sign into TigerID.
- Using your District-issued iPad, click on TigerID to sign in.
- Using a non-District-issued device, go to login.northallegheny.org to sign into TigerID.
- From your dashboard in TigerID, choose Destiny Discover. You will now need to click on Sign on with TigerID.
- In Destiny Discover, our ebooks are listed first. Click on See All to view all of McKnight's ebooks.
- Find the ebook you would like to read.
- For most of our Follet ebooks, you will need to click on checkout.
- You will be able to open and read ebooks right on your device by clicking on the menu bar and scrolling down to checkouts.
- Since these books can only be read by one person at a time, if the book is already checked out, you will be able to put it on hold by clicking the hold button.
- We also have ebooks that are multiuser and can be read by several people at the same time. These books will not have a checkout button. To read these books, simply click on Open.
- Since you are not actually checking out these ebooks, you might want to click on Favorites to make it easier to find ebooks that you are currently reading.
- At this time, you will only be able to check out one ebook. As our ebook collection grows, we will increase this. Remember, ebooks are available throughout the entire year - including during the summer!
- You will first need to sign into TigerID.