• Accessing eBooks in Destiny Discover

    You can use either your District-issued iPad or a non-district device to read all of our ebooks at home!

    1. You will first need to sign into TigerID.
      • Using your District-issued iPad, click on TigerID to sign in.
      • Using a non-District-issued device, go to login.northallegheny.org to sign into TigerID.
    2. From your dashboard in TigerID, choose Destiny Discover. You will now need to click on Sign on with TigerID.
    3. In Destiny Discover, our ebooks are listed first. Click on See All to view all of McKnight's ebooks.
    4. Find the ebook you would like to read.
    5. For most of our Follet ebooks, you will need to click on checkout.
      • You will be able to open and read ebooks right on your device by clicking on the menu bar and scrolling down to checkouts.
      • Since these books can only be read by one person at a time, if the book is already checked out, you will be able to put it on hold by clicking the hold button.
    6. We also have ebooks that are multiuser and can be read by several people at the same time. These books will not have a checkout button. To read these books, simply click on Open.
      • Since you are not actually checking out these ebooks, you might want to click on Favorites to make it easier to find ebooks that you are currently reading.
    7. At this time, you will only be able to check out one ebook. As our ebook collection grows, we will increase this. Remember, ebooks are available throughout the entire year - including during the summer!