• NASD Middle Schools

    Summer Reading Program 


    Find a printable version HERE.

    Book Tic-Tac-Toe

    Guidelines and Information

    1. Read a book that meets the category; fill in the title and author. This information must be completed for credit; you may attach an additional page if needed.

    2. A different book must be used for each square.

    3. Each completed square equals an entry to win prizes.

      1. 3 in a row = 1 bonus entry

      2. Full board equals = 3 bonus entries

    4. SORA can be accessed via the TigerID dashboard.

    5. PA Young Reader’s Choice Award List can be found using this link; you may also use titles from this list to complete other squares.

    6. Be sure both you and a parent/guardian sign to certify that you have completed the squares, then submit your Tic-Tac-Toe board to the library when you return to school.