• Second Grade Title I

    Welcome to our Title One reading program! This program will take place during the regular WIN period, so your student will not be missing any direct instruction. It takes place in my room so we can utilize a quieter working space, as well as a plethora of reading resources and materials. Our focus will be on building our reading skills, specifically in the areas of decoding and fluency. The goal is once a student has mastered the vowel patterns, he or she is able to fluently read, which will then lead to increased comprehension.

    I want all students to gain a love of reading and a sense of pride with their reading abilities. My ultimate goal is to make them lifelong readers! In order to get to know your student even better, please complete the beginning of year survey that is attached.

    Throughout the year, your student will be monitored on his or her progress. I will be sharing this data with you through conferences, letters, emails, and phone calls. In order to make sure that I am able to contact you the best way, please take some time to complete the contact form attached to this letter.

    I really am excited for this year and watching your student find the joy in reading! Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have any questions, and/or concerns.

    Happy Reading!

    Mrs. Dinger – Reading Specialist - edinger@northallegheny.org

    Mrs. Gillis - Interventionist - mgillis@northallegheny.org