• Marshall Voices Audition Information

    Marshall Voices


    Marshall Middle School 7th and 8th grade students


    September 3 - September 13, 2024


    Choral Room (108)

    Ensemble Information

    Marshall Voices is an extra-curricular vocal ensemble for 7th and 8th grade students at Marshall Middle School who want an opportunity to learn and perform a variety of choral repertoire. Interested students will need to audition. If you are interested in being in Marshall Voices but have a conflict with the audition date, please contact Mrs. Helsel.

    Members of Marshall Voices will be expected to attend Wednesday morning rehearsals from 7-8 a.m. If a student misses more than three rehearsals, they will no longer be a part of Marshall Voices. Members will also be responsible for reviewing music between rehearsals and be available to perform during the choral concert on December 12, 2024, and possible additional performance opportunities should they be made available.

    Audition Procedures

    2. Sign up for an audition time here. If you aren't able to attend any of the available times, please email Mrs. Helsel
    3. Range Check
    4. Perform The North Allegheny Alma Mater
    5. Harmony/Ear Training
      • Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are
      • Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky
      • Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are
    6. Song of your choice! *Optional - you can bring another song to sing for me to showcase your voice and style*

    Auditions will be scored with this rubric.


    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Helsel at hhelsel@northallegheny.org.