• FES Library

  • Welcome to our library of over 17,000 resources available to our students and staff as well as a quality collection of subscription databases that includes Culturegrams, World Almanac for Kids, Pebble Go collection, and World Book Encyclopedia. These digital databases are available on student devices and may be accessed on other devices by using the FES-specific passwords found in the Library Blackboard classrooms. Students and staff also have a personal account for Destiny, our electronic catalog system. Here, students may view their checkouts, checkout history, place books on hold, and download eBooks.

    Students attend weekly library/computer classes taught by the librarian. Classes in first through fifth grades receive a report card grade at the end of each semester. Additional collaborative library/information technology lessons delivered in conjunction with classroom teachers are encouraged whenever possible, because of the wide applicability of information and technology skills to all areas of study. Book exchanges, story times, the Celebration Book Club, participation in book award programs, reading incentive programs, author visits, Book Fairs, and other reading activities further support the development of student literacy.

    The FES Library is a place to explore topics, discover new interests, learn about the world around us, ask questions, find answers, and unleash your imagination. We are so happy you are here!