- Carson Middle
- Overview
CMS Morning Drop-Off & Afternoon Pick-Up for Students
CMS Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
With the safety of our students as a top priority, it is important that we reiterate our AM drop off and PM pick up procedures. AM Drop-Off and Pick-Up procedures remain the same as last year, but to ensure that our process is both efficient and safe for all, please review the following reminders:
AM Drop-Off
AM Times: 7:45-8:00
Buses: drop off on the right side of the building and students enter through the auditorium doors.
Parents/Guardians: drop off students along the sidewalk in front of the building. Students will enter the building using the counseling doors. When dropping off your student in the morning, please do not pull out of the lane to go around another car, as it will interfere with staff members arriving. Please wait your turn to pull forward and exit around the loop.
6th graders: report to the main office lobby.
7th/8th graders: report to the auditorium lobby until 8:00 when released to lockers and homerooms. Students are expected to be in their homerooms by 8:10.
PM Pick-Up:
PM Times: 2:52-3:00
Students are dismissed from their last class at 2:52 p.m. and are expected to visit lockers and pack up their belongings before heading to the appropriate exit:
Bus Riders: exit through main and auditorium doors. Students are expected to watch for their bus # to arrive. Staff will be present each day to assist and announcements are made outside when a bus arrives to get student’s attention.
Car Riders: exit through gym doors.
As always, district transportation is provided for all North Allegheny students. If you need information about your child’s bus route or have any questions/concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the CMS Main Office: 412-369-5520.
NASD Transportation
Bus assignments will be shared the week of August 14th. Parents/guardians will receive an email with instructions to access your student's bus assignment.
Visit the Transportation section on the NA website for safety information and questions about bus assignments.